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Doctoral Fellowship at MaxPo : “coping with instability in market societies”


The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo) invites applications for doctoral fellowships. The recipients of the PhD fellowship will work under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Godechot or Prof. Cornelia Woll and will have to apply for formal enrollment in the doctoral programs in sociology or political science of Sciences Po in Paris.

Application deadline: March 23, 2014.

The thesis project should be linked to MaxPo’s research program focused on coping with instability in market societies and the interests of the two research group leaders, though empirical research topics may be quite varied. The research themes should be located in economic sociology or political economy and can include:

    • financial markets, labor markets, credit markets and more generally all market phenomenon, social and spatial stratification and inequality, income satisfaction and social reactions to inequality, the political and social consequences of economic crises, the moral boundaries of the economy, economics and social sciences and the framing of economic realities.
    • the politics of financial regulation, international governance of economic policy, conflict and power in domestic and transnational policy-making, business-government relations or the transformation of state-society relations more generally, comparative institutional analysis of economic policy-making.

Eligibility: The candidate will hold a master’s degree (or equivalent) and have received training in the following disciplines: sociology or political science, with additional training in related field such as economics, history, management, or philosophy. She or he should have experience with qualitative and quantitative methods. There is no nationality requirement. However, a firm command of English and working knowledge of French or German are required.

Fellowship amount: € 2,100 / month (gross salary, about € 1,600 net); 3-year contract starting on October 2014; one 12-weeks teaching or administrative requirement, preferably in the first year of the fellowship (to be negotiated with the PhD adviser).

Application Procedure:

  • a CV
  • a transcript of records
  • a cover letter briefly describing your intellectual trajectory so far and discussing the themes that interest you (2 pages maximum)
  • a thesis project (5,000 words maximum)
  • an abstract summarizing the thesis project
  • a writing sample (article, thesis, term paper, …)
  • if possible, we strongly encourage you to obtain one or more letters of recommendation (especially useful is a letter from your MA advisor)

Please email the complete file to by March 23, 2014 (write “MaxPo PhD positions 2014” in the subject line). Incomplete files will not be considered. Shortlisted candidates can be invited for an online interview. Please also note that successful candidates will need to apply for admission through the online procedure of the École doctorale of Sciences Po before April 21, 2014. Administrative registration will occur in June 2014 by the École doctorale of Sciences Po. All the details will be forwarded to the candidates selected for a MaxPo fellowship in April 2014.


Sociologue, chargé de recherche au CNRS à l'IDHE de Cachan

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Sociologue, chargé de recherche au CNRS à l'IDHE de Cachan

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