Two postdoc positions political science/political economy at University of Amsterdam
Two post docs to strengthen the FickleFormulas team at the University of Amsterdam, which investigates the political underbelly of macroeconomic statistics and indicators
- Focus of the first position:
How do citizens (mis-)interpret macroeconomic figures (GDP and debt data, inflation figures, etc.), and how does that shape our politics?
Details are here:
- The second position zooms in on South Africa to study the politics surrounding the macroeconomic indicators there.
For example, how do the indicators in use highlight or obscure social and economic trends? How may international organizations push ill-fitting indicators on the South African economy? How may politicians game economic numbers? Why has South Africa made the measurement choices is has made? Etc.
Details are here:
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Virginie Blum (19 avril 2017). Two postdoc positions political science/political economy at University of Amsterdam. Sociologie économique. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse