CfP – ‘Politics of the Future, Policies in the Present’ SASE 2018
SASE Mini-Conference – ‘Politics of the Future, Policies in the Present’
Kyoto – 23 au 25 juin 2018
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L’appel a été prolongé jusqu’au 29 janvier.
Organisateurs : Vincent Cardon, Antoine de Raymond et Olivier Pilmis
Appel à communications
In recent years, socio-economists have studied social actors’ ability to elaborate representations of the future convincing enough to enable present actions when uncertainty prevails. The aim of this mini-conference is to bring together researchers examining how the future is taken into account in economic activities and regulation. Contributions addressing the following thematic strands are particularly welcome:
The technologies of future-related regulation. Present anticipations of the future involve a set of tools and calculative technologies. These techniques not only differ in the way they process “data” but also in the construction of the economic reality they engage. They also depend on the category of actors (institutions, NGOs, firms, individuals, pressure groups etc.) who produces and/or makes use of them. The development of foreknowledge for regulation emphasizes connections between socio-economics and science and technology studies, and leads to an interrogation on the social conditions under which expertise is regarded as reliable.
From planning to preparedness: knowledge of the future and governmentality. Anticipating the future is in tight relation with forms of government. For instance, while central planning drew on the assumption that the future was predictable, some new forms of regulation are based on the hypothesis of the occurrence of unlikely events (e.g. worst-case scenario). This shift questions the appropriate form of economic regulation and projection, conceivably leading to technological or cognitive disruptions.
The temporal orientation of regulation. The regulation of economies requires dealing with the future in the present. Future-guessing widely relies on present knowledge. Socio-technical devices cannot be understood without reference to the specific objective of economic regulation and, to its temporal order (e.g., shorter- or longer-run, trend/pathways or crisis/disruption). The way future economic orientations are designed affects the implementation of regulations in the present. Thus, investigating the relationship between projections about the future and action in the present also requires studying how these projections and calculations are translated into actual and present promises, decisions and guidelines.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Melchior Simioni (18 janvier 2018). CfP – ‘Politics of the Future, Policies in the Present’ SASE 2018. Sociologie économique. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse