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Appel à mini-conférences: SASE, New York

SASE 2019 Mini-Conference Themes: Call for Proposals

Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined


1 OCTOBER 2018
 Hoping to bring scholars together to work intensively on the myriad facets of your crucial topic? Make use of SASE’s global reach and submit a mini-conference theme proposal! Mini-conferences are very visible ways to attract work on your research topic, with the potential to spark a lively discussion during the SASE conference and beyond.

As they have in the past years, thematic mini-conferences will form a key element of next year’s annual conference in New York City, hosted by The New School for Social Research from 27-29 June 2019. Proposals are now welcome for mini-conference themes. Mini-conference themes will be selected for inclusion in the Call for Papers by the program committee, which may also propose themes of its own.  Preference will be given to proposals linked to the overarching conference theme, “Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined,” but mini-conferences on other SASE-related themes will also be considered. 

Proposals for mini-conference themes must be submitted electronically to the SASE Executive Director by 1 October 2018. All mini-conference proposals should include the name(s) and email addresses of the organizer(s), together with a brief description. As in previous years, each mini-conference will consist of 3 to 6 panels, which will be featured as a separate stream in the program. Each panel will have a discussant, meaning that selected participants must submit a completed paper in advance, by 27 May 2019. If a paper proposal cannot be accommodated within a mini-conference, organizers will forward it to the most appropriate research network as a regular submission.

SASE is committed to diverse membership and lively intellectual debates, and encourages proposals that are offered by a diverse group of organizers and/or are likely to bring a diverse group of participants.

Proposals should be submitted to: Martha Zuber (
Deadline for proposals: 1 October 2018
For more information, consult the overall conference theme here
View Mini-Conference Themes accepted to the 2018 conference in Kyoto here

A call for papers and sessions will be sent in the fall. Please check the SASE website for updates.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Jourdain (26 septembre 2018). Appel à mini-conférences: SASE, New York. Sociologie économique. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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